Career Timeline

2006 - 2008: The Years That Started It All!

April 2006

Developed an interest in web design and programming, and started experimenting with HTML, CSS, and PHP.

September 2006

Started working online as a freelancer offering services such as basic HTML/CSS website development, content creation, etc. while still being a high school student.

January 2007


Developed and launched my first website – – a website that offered 1 million pixels of advertising space on its homepage.

August 2007

Launched an online forum for TheAdsAgency which used a forum script called “vBulletin.”
2008 - 2009: From Freelancer to Entrepreneur and Domainer!

January 2008

Continued working as a freelancer offering services such as Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, and Social Marketing.

March 2008

Started experimenting with different open-source PHP scripts such as content management systems, eCommerce platforms, blogging platforms, forum software, web directory scripts, payment gateways, etc.

July 2008

Became an active member of online money making forums and launched a blog on making money online called “” to keep me motivated on my goals.

August 2008

Started investing in unique and rare domain names such as dictionary words, three-letter combinations (, four-letter combinations (, etc.

September 2008

Modified a link directory script and launched 3 internet web directory websites.

October 2008

Launched a gaming cheat codes website called “” where users could view and submit cheat codes for thousands of PC and console games.
2009 - 2010: What a Year That Was!

February 2009

Expanded my web directory network to 10+ directories by converting all my parked domain names into active websites in order to generate revenue.

March 2009

Developed an interest in Internet Marketing and started reading more about Affiliate Marketing.

May 2009


Modified a popular PHP based freelancing script and launched my own freelancing website ( to connect buyers and freelancers with each other.

August 2009

Launched another SEO website ( after the success of Inlapp SEO Services, which specialized in only 1 service – web directory submission.

October 2009

Founded a penny auction company and launched my own penny auction website:

  • The website was based on a paid penny auction website script, which was very heavily modified by me.
  • Marketed the website successfully by using a combination of Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Marketing, and Advertising to bring in a substantial amount of steady traffic every day.
2010 - 2012: The Start of Something Big!

2010 - 2012

Continued offering Search Engine Optimization services through

February 2010

Shut down my penny auction website after suffering losses due to a lack of investment and the increasing competition in the industry.

March 2010

Signed up with multiple affiliate networks and started working online as an Affiliate Marketer promoting products and sending sales and leads to different companies:

  • Used Affiliate Marketing tactics such as Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing, Pay Per View (PPV) Marketing, Cost Per Action (CPA) Marketing, Cost Per View (CPV) Marketing, Media Buying, Social Marketing, and Content Marketing to send traffic to different offers.
  • Promoted and sent leads to both free and paid offers such as Email Submits, Social Signups, Insurance Quotes, Free Trials, Product Sales etc.
  • Quickly gained success in the business by designing and implementing new and unique methods of sending traffic, and creating/using custom tools to help with my campaigns.

May 2010

Created multitudes of Micro Niche Keyword based websites, whose sole purpose was to provide users with 3-5 pages of information on the keywords they searched for, in order to generate ad revenue.

August 2010

Modified a script and launched an online gaming arcade called “” which allowed users to play thousands of flash games that were hosted on the servers of the original game creators.
2012 - 2014: Sticking with the Winners!

2012 - 2014

  • Continued offering Search Engine Optimization services through
  • Continued working as an Affiliate Marketer and kept promoting different offers to generate sales and leads.

2012 - 2014

Continued working on PennyAuctionBot:

  • Added more websites to the software.
  • Added new features and fixed various bugs that were reported by users.
  • Fixed website compatibility bugs due to websites changing their layout and code.
  • Continued marketing the software and launched various discounted viral marketing campaigns.
  • Added a Support Desk software to the website to offer support to users.
  • Added a virtual chat agent to the website to answer frequently asked questions automatically.

June 2012

Designed and developed a proxy scraping tool that scraped proxies from multiple proxy websites and distributed it for free on this website.

August 2012

Input Matcher (Text Comparison Tool)

Developed a very simple string comparison tool and gave it away for free on this website.

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March 2013

Designed and developed a multi-threaded Windows search engine rank checking application that checks the rankings of a website for multiple keywords on Google and exports the report of the results to a user specified location on the computer:

  • Gave the tool away for free on this website.
2014 - 2016: A New Idea!

2014 - 2016

  • Continued working on PennyAuctionBot and kept adding new features and websites along with fixing existing bugs and marketing the software.
  • Continued offering SEO services through
  • Continued working as an Affiliate Marketer promoting different offers and products.

March 2014

Designed and developed a URL shortening software that takes a URL and shortens its link using multiple URL shortening services, so that those short URL’s can then be used for marketing purposes.

  • Distributed the tool for free on this website.

August 2014

URL Screenshot Exporter

Developed a very simple tool to take screenshots of a list of web pages and save them locally on the computer. Gave it away for free on this website!

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January 2015

Website URL Harvester

Created a multi-threaded website URL harvester that allows a user to gather URL’s (internal page links) from a particular website, and gave it away for free on this website. The list of URL’s can then be exported to a predefined location on the user’s computer..

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September 2015

Online Email Extractor

Created a multi-threaded online email extracting tool that allows a user to gather thousands and thousands of email addresses from the internet based on the niche/keywords they search for within minutes. Sold the tool on this website!

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2016 - Present

2016 - Present

  • Continued working on PennyAuctionBot by releasing  new features/bug fixes.
  • Continued marketing,, and
  • Continued working as an Affiliate Marketer.

May 2016

Started some new (really big) Affiliate Marketing campaigns and generated a lot of revenue by sending leads using paid traffic to insurance and biz-opp offers.