URL / Website Screenshot Exporter


Website Screenshot Exporter is a simple application that allows a user to export the screenshots of a list of URL’s to a desired location on his computer.



URL / Website Screenshot Exporter is a simple application that takes a list of URL’s and exports their screenshots to a predefined location on a user’s computer. The website screenshots exported provide a full view of the web page (instead of showing only the part that is visible on the user’s screen).

The app could have many different purposes, one of which could be to export the current state of an entire website into simple JPEG images so that it can be viewed later at any time (use it along with Website URL Harvester).

Additional information




July 17, 2015

System Requirements

Windows Vista, 7 or 8
1 GB of RAM
.NET Framework 4.0 and .NET 4.5
100 MB of disc space


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